MNM Global Partners founders collectively bring over 65 years of technical and senior leadership experiences in the public, private sector, and humanitarian/development organizations. We have direct and hands-on experience in the East Africa, and parts of West and Southern Africa Regions.


Our explicit offer among others is in the fields of market system development, public-private sector investment strategy, resilience building, livelihoods and food security, monitoring, evaluation and learning, policy research and practical capacity building programs.

We have specialized and customizable tools to provide a range of services including market and other assessments, feasibility studies, program design and reviews, impact evaluations, and business plan and investment strategy development.

You would be more than satisfied with our state-of-the-art institutional and organizational capacity development services. These are in the form of organizational capacity assessment (OCA), short term and on the job training, coaching and mentoring services and development of toolkits, guidelines, and systems.

We tap into a network of high caliber associates located in different parts of the world with multiple years of experiences in diverse professional expertise. We also partner with other like-minded institutions to ensure complementarities for effective technical assistance and greater impact.

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We are ready to provide creative solutions and help your organization or business to succeed.
MNM Global Partners LLC
Systems thinking and more

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